By Brenda Williams
It's the least expensive item in your diet. It requires no preparation whatsoever. It can even be consumed without soiling any dishes. But most people do not get enough of it. What is it? It is water. The majority of us are dehydrated most of the time and don't even realize it.
Even mild dehydration inflicts stress upon our bodies. Plus it can trigger many unpleasant health problems such as kidney problems, weight gain, fatigue, and headaches.
The thirst mechanism in adults does not work as well as in children. Once we turn twenty-one, we do not perceive thirst as well as we did at twelve. Sometimes we even confuse thirst with hunger and eat when we should be drinking water. This, of course, results in unnecessary weight gain.
And drinking more water will bring about some weight loss without doing anything else. When you are dehydrated, you do not burn calories as fast as you could, and your metabolism is sluggish. Drinking more water helps your body burn stored fat.
In addition, drinking more water prevents fatigue. Dehydration slows down your circulation and causes a drop in blood pressure. This leads to fatigue.
Water is also good for your joints. Your joints' lubricating fluid is made up primarily of water. Water is also present in the soft discs in your spine as well as in the cartilage at the end of your bones. When you keep the joints, cartilage and discs well hydrated they do a better job of absorbing shock. Well-lubricated bones slip smoothly over one another without friction. This prevents joint and back pain.
And some of the grogginess you experience in the morning is due to lack of water. You are much better off to reach for a glass of water than a cup of coffee. Your brain is 4/5ths water. When the water levels drop in your body, it affects such tasks as processing information in your short-term memory and focusing on your work at hand. Your brain cells can't perform as efficiently if water levels are lowered even by a small amount.
Water can also prevent some diseases because it carries toxins away from your body.
Although for many years, nutritionists, researchers and doctors have recommended that people drink eight 8 ounce glasses or sixty-four ounces of water a day, scientists have now found that doesn't work for everyone.
The amount of water that you need to drink depends on your weight, your activity level and the weather. You need more water in hot weather because you perspire more. Active people also perspire more than sedentary people. So the new recommendations are that people drink half of their body weight in ounces. In other words, if a person weighs a hundred and fifty pounds, then they should drink seventy-five ounces of water a day. If it is unusually hot or they are very active, they would need more.
Milk, juice and caffeine-free teas count as part of your daily water quota. Caffeinated beverages do not as they are diuretics and increase the output of water from your body. Neither should alcoholic drinks be included in your daily liquid intake.
When determining the amount of water you drink, pay attention to the size of your glasses. Some glasses hold twelve ounces while others only hold six.
Sometimes we skimp on water because it is not conveniently available. Form the habit of carrying it with you, in the car or in your briefcase. That way you will always have something to sip on.
And even if it is a little extra trouble, your body will thank you.
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